November 7 2024 news release
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Message of support for Jewish Communities across Canada in reaction to recent threats
June 2024 Letter Released on Parliament Hill Via Canadian Interfaith Conversation
Faith Communities Standing Together Against Hate Based on Religious Identity
October 2023 News Release:
message of condolence regarding Violence in Middle East
November 2022 news release:
Multi-faith Summit Council of BC - New ExecutiveMay 2022 LETTER TO bc PREMIER:
statement of support for the Healthcare Professionals & Other Frontline Workers of BCJuly 2021 News Release:
Call for Safety & Sanctity of Sacred SpacesJun 2021 News Release:
Statement of support and condolences to the Indigenous Community and the Islamic CommunityMAR 2021 NEW RELEASE:
The One Year Anniversary of the Global PandemicSept 2020 NEWS RELEASE:
MFSCBC Condemns Racism & Hatred
UN World Interfaith Harmony Week 2025
Dear Member Organizations of the MFSC of BC, other Multi-Faith/Interfaith Organizations in BC, and all people of faith:
The Environment Committee has put forth a plan for UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, which we hope will mobilize people of faith around the province on the issue of the Climate Crisis. We are asking for your support so that we can move forward in the Spirit of Collaboration on this important issue in an impactful way. This plan has three distinct parts to it.
In the time leading up to the World Interfaith Harmony Week (events Feb 1 - 25), we are inviting council members and other people of faith to encourage their faith community leaders to create and implement an awareness campaign among their membership with respect to their tenets or doctrine regarding Environmental Stewardship. This could be in the form of sermons, discussion groups, special meetings that team with environmental activists or through newsletters, etc.
During Interfaith Harmony Week (events Feb 1 - 25) we invite member organizations and other people of faith to plan and hold interfaith dialogue forums across the province as an opportunity to educate one another on the common ground regarding the spiritual tenets to Environmental Stewardship and how these are put into practice in daily life. We encourage partnerships to help with the organization of these events. Please feel free to use the MFSC as a resource to find speakers across the province for these diverse panels.
Through this experience, we also want faith communities to share information on any projects that they participate in that helps to combat the climate crisis (both small or large projects affecting the local community); it is our hope that proactive partnerships will form to make these efforts more impactful, also creating visibility of interfaith harmony.
We also want to engage the Government in these forums to build awareness of the effectiveness of partnering with people of faith across the province in dealing with the Climate Crisis and to educate people of faith on ways we can specifically support the Government’s efforts in dealing with the Climate Crisis. Both municipal and provincial government representatives could be invited to attend.
3. The third part is to mobilize collaboratively on projects to make a difference in our communities, and along the way build a legacy of Environmental Stewardship in the next generation.
The MFSC would like to help promote all of the forums across the province that will be held during the World Interfaith Harmony Week through our email network as well as social media and the website. We will also be reaching out to all people of faith in the province to encourage their participation in this plan. If you are interested in participating, please email us at Also, the next meeting to discuss needs and promotion will be on January 7 at 10am via Zoom.